Wednesday, January 3, 2018

How To Get at Least a 30 on the ACT

I've taken the ACT twice. The first time I got a 22 and the second time I got a 32. Today I'm going to share how I improved my score by 10 points.

The first time I took the ACT I ran out of time on every section. I reduced the time I took on the passage sections by looking at the questions before I read the passage. I would take note of referenced lines in the questions and mark them in the passage. Then while I was reading the passage I would read through it quickly except for the parts that I had marked. In those spots I carefully read to fully understand the information. This helped me to spend less time on the parts that weren't important so that I could focus my limited time on the parts that were.

Math. Math was my worst section. The first time I took the test I completely forgot everything that I learned in algebra 1 for it was five years ago that I took the class. So in preparing for the second time I took the ACT, I studied the basics of algebra 1. This greatly helped me because the concepts are quite basic I just had too much time off from them.

Another struggle of mine was grammar. I don't remember ever learning the difference between a comma, semi-colon, and colon. I didn't know when to use which. So before the test I watched a couple of videos on Youtube explaining the different uses. I found Youtube and Kahn Academy very helpful in preparing for the ACT. Just search the topic you need help on. Kahn Academy even has a whole section to help prepare you for the ACT.

Which leads me into my next point. Take practice tests and time yourself. This will help you with time managing your work. You don't want to spend too much time on one question, since they are all counted the same amount regardless of difficulty. If you're spending too much time on one question pick your favorite letter and move on. If you have time at the end of the section you can always go back and work on it. The practice tests were also beneficial in understanding what to expect and knowing the types of questions that would be asked. At the end of the practice test I would go back and review the questions I missed. Then I would work on the concepts and types of questions I was weak with. This is probably what helped me the most while preparing for the ACT.

Another thing that some people might not think about is getting a good nights rest and a healthy breakfast before the test. Your mind isn't going to work as efficiently if you are tired or hungry. Therefore take care of yourself so your mind can work at its highest potential. Good luck testing and don't stress too much! You can always take the test again to improve your score. Even if you do bad the first time, it will help you to prepare and improve the next time you take the test.

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